Bad News for ‘Trump-Adjacent Weirdos’ Delights Seth Meyers

Bad News for ‘Trump-Adjacent Weirdos’ Delights Seth Meyers

Late-night TV host Seth Meyers has been making headlines for his recent monologues and segments targeting “Trump-adjacent weirdos” [1]. These individuals, who range from conspiracy theorists to far-right extremists, have become a frequent target of Meyers’ jokes and criticisms. In particular, Meyers has been highlighting the strange and bizarre characters surrounding former President Donald Trump [4].

One of the most notable examples of this phenomenon is the QAnon conspiracy theory, which posits that Trump is secretly fighting a global cabal of pedophiles [2]. Meyers has taken aim at QAnon supporters and their outlandish beliefs, using humor to expose the absurdity of their claims.

But Meyers’ focus on “Trump-adjacent weirdos” goes beyond just making jokes. As he explained in a recent segment, these individuals pose a real threat to democracy and the rule of law [1]. Many of them have been spreading disinformation about the 2020 election and promoting baseless conspiracy theories about voter fraud [1].

Meyers’ critiques of these individuals are not just about mocking them; they are about holding those in power accountable and reminding the public of the importance of truth and facts in our political discourse [5]. By shining a light on the dangerous ideas and actions of “Trump-adjacent weirdos,” Meyers is doing his part to combat the spread of disinformation and protect our democracy.

The Importance of Holding Those in Power Accountable

Meyers’ focus on “Trump-adjacent weirdos” is just one example of how late-night TV hosts are using their platforms to hold those in power accountable. In recent years, hosts like Meyers, Trevor Noah, and John Oliver have become known for their sharp critiques of politicians and public figures [1].

These critiques are not just about making jokes; they are about using humor to expose the truth and hold those in power accountable. Late-night TV hosts have become an important source of news and information for many Americans, particularly younger viewers who may not watch traditional news programs [1].

By using their platforms to call out lies and hypocrisy, late-night TV hosts are helping to shape the national conversation and hold those in power accountable. They are also providing a much-needed source of humor and levity in a time of political turmoil and uncertainty [5].

The Dangers of Disinformation

The rise of “Trump-adjacent weirdos” and their spread of disinformation is a real threat to democracy and the rule of law. As Meyers has pointed out, these individuals are not just harmless conspiracy theorists; they are actively working to undermine our democratic institutions [1].

The spread of disinformation can have real-world consequences, from the storming of the Capitol on January 6th to the ongoing vaccine hesitancy that is prolonging the COVID-19 pandemic [1]. By mocking and exposing the dangerous ideas and actions of “Trump-adjacent weirdos,” Meyers is doing his part to combat the spread of disinformation and protect our democracy.


Seth Meyers’ focus on “Trump-adjacent weirdos” may seem like just another example of late-night comedy, but it serves a deeper purpose [3]. By mocking these individuals, Meyers is highlighting the larger issues at play in American politics today. He is reminding us of the importance of holding those in power accountable and the dangers of disinformation.

Late-night TV hosts like Meyers have become an important source of news and information for many Americans, particularly younger viewers. By using humor to expose the truth and hold those in power accountable, they are helping to shape the national conversation and protect our democracy.

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